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150 results for "PFAS ".
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html From Mesopotamia messes and the 1858 Great Stink to today's flush toilets and fatbergs - American Ch The history of how people have dealt with sewage, from Mesopotamia times to today, and how the Seine and Potomac are trying to clean up their acts.
html Accessing Clean Water - American Chemical Society A virtual symposium of ACS Fall 2024 programmed at convenient day times of multiple regions. The symposium will explore our predictive capabilities fo ...
html ACS in the News - American Chemical Society Weekly press highlights of the latest ACS journal articles and other coverage featured in high-profile news media outlets all around the globe.
html Integrating Ion Chromatography in a Chemical Manufacturing Environment - American Chemical Society Ion chromatography is a versatile and widely applicable technique for ion analysis, making it indispensable in chemical manufacturing settings. By add ...
html Green Chemistry Student Awards - American Chemical Society ACS Green Chemistry Institute awards recognize students for excellence in research and provide monetary support for travel so they can gain valuable e ...
html 2024 - American Chemical Society 2024 - American Chemical Society Discover Chemistry  —Menu PressPacs 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 N ...
html Industry Program - American Chemical Society Find recommended programming and networking opportunities for industry chemists, happening at ACS Fall 2024.
html Revealing the dynamic choreography inside multilayer vesicles - American Chemical Society Dancing lipid bilayers: Scientists in ACS Nano shed light on the spontaneous rearrangements inside multilayer vesicles, which can make surprisingly co ...
html Small, adsorbent ‘fins’ collect humidity rather than swim through water - American Chemical Society Even the dryest deserts have some water vapor suspended in air. These “fins” can effectively collect humidity and release it to generate potable water ...
html Some landfill ‘burps’ contain airborne PFAS, study finds - American Chemical Society Landfills “burp” gas from decomposing organic matter rather than letting it build up underground. New research in Environmental Science & Technology L ...