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650 results for "ozone layer".
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html What Is Green Chemistry? - American Chemical Society Learn about the concepts of green and sustainable chemistry. Find out how green chemistry principles benefit the economy, people and the planet.
html Artificial ‘power plants’ harness energy from wind and rain - American Chemical Society Researchers publishing in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have developed power plants — literally — by creating leaf-shaped nanogenerators to ...
html Hidden in plain sight: Windshield washer fluid is an unexpected emission source - American Chemical In a recent ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology study, researchers report that alcohols in windshield washer fluid account for a larger fraction o ...
html Lewis Structures - American Chemical Society This video shows some examples of how to draw Lewis structures of molecular compounds.
html The Great Smog of London: Air pollution pt. 1 - American Chemical Society The Great Smog of London in 1952 altered how the world viewed air pollution, and led to environmental policies that have saved many lives since then.
html plant-inspired-alkaloids-protect-rice-kiwi-and-citrus-from-harmful-bacteria.html Plant-inspired alkaloids protect rice, kiwi and citrus from harmful bacteria - American Chemical Society Plant-inspired alkaloids protect rice, kiwi a ...
html self-repairing-gelatin-based-film-could-be-a-smart-move-for-electronics.html Self-repairing gelatin-based film could be a smart move for electronics - American Chemical Society Self-repairing gelatin-based film could be a smart ...
html A Safer "Rainbow Flame" Demo for the Classroom - American Chemical Society The “rainbow flame” experiment is meant to show how various metal salt solutions can create flames of different colors, but it can be unsafe if teache ...
html 3D Printed Foods - American Chemical Society What if food, tuned to the nutritional needs of an individual, could be printed on demand? From cheesecakes to plant-based steaks, engineers are using ...
html Chemical clues to the mystery of what’s coating Stradivari’s violins - American Chemical Society In a step toward unraveling the secret behind stradivarius violins, researchers in ACS’ Analytical Chemistry report on a nanometer-scale imaging of tw ...