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3235 results for "job openings".
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html ACS Award in Colloid Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing and encouraging outstanding scientific contributions to colloid chemistry.
html ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing and encouraging fundamental research in the field of inorganic chemistry.
html ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing outstanding fundamental contributions and achievements in the field of polymer chemistry.
html ACS Award in Surface Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing distinguished services in the advancement of surface chemistry.
html Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural Products - American Chemical Society Recognizing and encouraging outstanding achievements in the analysis, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of natural products.
html Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in Silicon Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing distinguished contributions to the field of silicon chemistry and stimulating the creativity of others by example.
html George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing, encouraging, and stimulating outstanding research achievements in hydrocarbon or petroleum chemistry.
html George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education - American Chemical Society Recognizing outstanding contributions to chemical education.
html Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear Chemistry - American Chemical Society Recognizing and encouraging research in nuclear and radiochemistry or their applications.
html James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry for the Public - American Chemical So Recognizing, encouraging, and stimulating outstanding reporting directly to the public about chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields.