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150 results for "PFAS ".
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html Map of PFAS Contamination - American Chemical Society This interactive map shows regions of PFAS contamination in the U.S.
html The Changing PFAS Landscape: Insights Into EPA Draft Method 1621 - American Chemical Society EPA Draft Method 1621 represents a shift in thinking in how we screen for PFAS and other fluorinated compounds in the environment, giving a better pic ...
html Chemistry and the Economy: 2023 Mid-Year Review - American Chemical Society Are we charging ahead into a brick wall? The U.S. chemical industry is at a critical juncture where decisions must be made on overcapacity and growing ...
html Some landfill ‘burps’ contain airborne PFAS, study finds - American Chemical Society Landfills “burp” gas from decomposing organic matter rather than letting it build up underground. New research in Environmental Science & Technology L ...
html Integrating Ion Chromatography in a Chemical Manufacturing Environment - American Chemical Society Ion chromatography is a versatile and widely applicable technique for ion analysis, making it indispensable in chemical manufacturing settings. By add ...
html Beyond Ion Exchange: Advancing Wastewater Treatment in Metal Finishing - American Chemical Society The metal-finishing industry faces the ongoing challenge of managing wastewater effectively, especially when treating dissolved metals such as copper ...
html Mastering Potentiometric Titration through Effective Electrode Selection and Method Optimization - A Modern titration offers a simple, yet highly accurate method to ensure the quality and safety of many products we consume daily. While not a complicat ...
html ‘Forever chemicals’ found to rain down on all five Great Lakes - American Chemical Society The five Great Lakes are a major source of fresh drinking water to both the U.S. and Canada, but are also home to PFAS, or “forever chemicals.” The co ...
html CITROFOL® as a carrier fluid for microbial crop inputs - American Chemical Society Microbial biocontrol and biostimulant agents play an increasing role as environmental-friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Ho ...
html PFAS flow equally between Arctic Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, study finds - American Chemical Society PFAS or “forever chemicals” circulate back-and-forth between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans at roughly equal rates, according to research in ACS’ Envi ...