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2958 results for "SARS-CoV-2".
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html exploring-why-some-covid-19-patients-lose-their-sense-of-smell.html Researchers have shown that in mice, two proteins required for SARS-CoV-2 entry are produced by cells of the nasal cavity that contribute to odor dete ...
html sensitive-new-test-detects-antibodies-against-sars-cov-2-in-only-10-minutes.html A proof-of-concept study in ACS’ Analytical Chemistry describes a quick, sensitive test for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in human blood.
html missing-link-in-coronavirus-jump-from-bats-to-humans-could-be-pangolins-not-snakes.html A new study suggests that scaly, anteater-like animals called pangolins are the missing link for SARS-CoV-2 transmission between bats and humans.
html metabolite-signature-of-covid-19-reveals-multi-organ-effects.html Metabolite signature of COVID-19 reveals multi-organ effects - American Chemical Society Metabolite signature of COVID-19 reveals multi-organ effects ...
html Can Copper Save Us from the Coronavirus? - American Chemical Society A recent claim is that a familiar metal, copper, could help us beat back the COVID-19 pandemic. There is already some basic science to suggest that it ...
html COVID-19 alters levels of fertility-related proteins in men, study suggests - American Chemical Soci A pilot study in ACS Omega suggests that COVID-19 could change the levels of proteins related to male reproductive function.
html Recent papers in ACS Bio & Med Chem Au - American Chemical Society Several recent papers from ACS Bio & Med Chem Au.
html Coronavirus vaccine: Where are we and what's next? | Reactions Science Videos - American Chemical So We chat with Benjamin Neuman, to find out when to expect a vaccine against COVID-19.
html replaceable-more-efficient-filter-for-n95-masks.html Researchers have developed a replaceable nanoporous membrane for N95 masks that filters out particles the size of SARS-CoV-2, allowing only clean air ...
html How Proteins Tilt and ‘Breathe’ on Flu Viruses | Headline Science - American Chemical Society Researchers in ACS Central Science report that simulations show the proteins can tilt and wave in “breath-like” motions, which could be exploited to b ...