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html How Is Whiskey Made? | Reactions Science Videos - American Chemical Society In this episode, we celebrate the chemical process of distillation that makes tasty bourbon and other whiskey flavors possible.
html What they don’t teach you about climate change (video) - American Chemical Society In today’s episode we figure out what’s so special about CO2 and how it absorbs heat.
html European Union’s ban on tattoo ink: breaking down the chemistry (video) - American Chemical Society Explore the science of tattoo inks and the new ban on two specific pigments in the EU.
html ACS responds to recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action - American Chemical Society The American Chemical Society is deeply disappointed by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on June 29 to strike down race-based affirmative action as a c ...
html Scientific Insight and Integrity in Public Policy - American Chemical Society Scientific Insight and Integrity in Public Policy - American Chemical Society Scientific Integrity in Public Policy ACS Position Statement Download PD ...
html Stephanie Kwolek - American Chemical Society Stephanie Swolek invented industrial fibers that protect and save thousands of lives. Most notable is Kevlar, which is used in bulletproof vests, helm ...
html Starch gelatinization, retrogradation, and the world’s fluffiest white bread (video) - American Chem In this episode, we explore how to make the fluffiest bread possible using chemistry.
html Making Shipping Greener with Hairy Ships - American Chemical Society Making Shipping Greener with Hairy Ships - American Chemical Society Catalyzing Change Making Shipping Greener with Hairy Ships How Shipping Pollutes ...
html When a Good Relationship Turns Toxic: Ozone On Airplanes - American Chemical Society When a Good Relationship Turns Toxic: Ozone On Airplanes - American Chemical Society Catalyzing Change When a Good Relationship Turns Toxic: Ozone On ...
html Why are electric vehicle fires so hard to put out? (video) - American Chemical Society Can we solve electric vehicle fires before fully understand what’s happening inside them?